Steubenville Youth Conference

The Saint Ignatius youth group invites you to join us on our annual summer Steubenville trip! The retreat is taking place June 21st-23rd 2024

About Steubenville Retreats: This event is open to all incoming 9th graders and recent high school grads. This retreat is an excellent way to add a new spark to your spiritual life. We will encounter thousands of other young people eager to grow in their faith. We’ll hear from nationally renowned speakers, enjoy times of fellowship, and fall deeply in love again with our Lord Jesus Christ through the amazing mass, adoration, and confession experiences offered throughout the weekend. We highly encourage everyone to attend this retreat and to invite their friends!

Registration: You can register online NOW to reserve your spot. Spots are limited. A wait list will be created if we have overflow. First come first serve.

Cost: $150.00* dollars per person. Payment must be made exclusively online.

Forms: You will need to fill out an online permission/medical form on this site as well as an online liability form which will be sent sometime in May to those officially registered.

Details: Please refer to the Activity Information sheet on the right hand side of this screen for more details regarding this trip.



*Price increase this year to help fully cover transportation costs. The ticket for the conference is still 100% subsidized by the parish




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