Healing & Novena Mass

Healing Mass and Service
The Mass of Healing is a Eucharistic celebration followed by an anointing for healing of everyone present, who so wishes.
The celebrants and gifted members of Lighthouse are the anointers.
The charism (gifts) of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Lord often manifest themselves in visible ways.
The Healing Service consists of songs, Scripture, a talk and the anointing service as above.
Please contact Sr. Chris Edwards, S.F.P or Scott Currie by calling the office at 513.661.6565.
Meets: The first Wednesday of each month from 7:30 – 9:00 pm in the Church
Novena Mass
The Novena Mass takes place on the First Saturday of each month at 9:15 a.m. Mass.
Have your special intentions prayed for over 9 consecutive months by stopping by the Parish Office.