Welcome - CHRP

Men’s Welcome Weekend/Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP)
February 17 & 18, 2024 at St. Ignatius
Sat 8 am – 8 pm
Sunday 8:30am (Mass) – 11:30 am
What a perfect way to start your Lenten Season. This Weekend is only 3 days after Ash
Wednesday and will provide you the time and space to make this Lenten Season your
BEST yet!!
Come join us for inspiring, personal faith stories from fellow parishioners. Take a break,
enjoy some quiet time with The Lord, and receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and
Holy Communion. All while making new friends and connecting more with St. Ignatius
Literally hundreds of men from our parish have experienced this faith-filled Weekend
(formerly known as Christ Renews His Parish). And as part of Team #46, you can have
that same experience. And remember… it’s for men of all ages and stages.  So come and
see why many men who have experienced this Weekend say that it has been one of the best
spiritual experiences of their lives.
If you have questions or wish to register for this Weekend, call, text or email any of the
following team members:
Don Ruberg (513) 378-6562 druberg@gmail.com
Tony Gagliarducci (513) 255-6868 tonygag002@gmail.com
Bill Jackson (513) 503-8700 stimenwelcome@gmail.com

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