Radiate Christ Through Mary as a Parish – Consecration Begins May 16
Our Archdiocese will be celebrating its bicentennial on June 19, 2021, which will be marked by a 33 day pilgrimage. See details at Mary2021.org. In preparation for taking this next step in the history of the Church in the Cincinnati area, we are all being invited to consecrate ourselves to Jesus, through Mary, together as a parish and Archdiocese.
What does “consecrating ourselves to Mary” mean, you ask? It means entrusting ourselves to Mary, to grow closer to Jesus and become the saint He created us to be. Just as Jesus took Mary to be His mother and came to us through her, Jesus also gives Mary to he our spiritual mother who leads us closer to Him, and guides us along His path for us.
St. Ignatius has been given 1,200 copies of the booklet form of 33 Days to Morning Glory, so that our parish can join in! Pick up your free copy at the doors of church beginning May 1, and begin this 33 day consecration retreat on May 16! To do the final consecration prayer with the rest of the parish, come to the 4:30pm Mass on Saturday, June 19.