Event & Facility Reservations

Reserve a facility and schedule an event at St. Ignatius of Loyola using this online form. Click the icon on this page to reserve.  A staff member will be in touch once a submission is received to confirm approval. Please wait for approval from a staff member before promoting
any events.  

Please note that when Saint Ignatius is closed, all facilities are closed. The following dates are unavailable for scheduling:


January 1 NY Day office closed

January 15MLK office closed

February 19Presidents Day office closed

March 28 Holy Thursday office close at 12PM

March 29 – April 1 Easter office closed  

May 27Memorial Day office closed

June 19Juneteenth office closed

July 34th of July office close at 12PM
July 44th of July office closed

September 2Labor Day office closed

October 14 • Columbus Day office closed

November 27Thanksgiving Holiday office closes at 12pm
November  28 -29Thanksgiving Holiday office closed

December 24-26Christmas Holiday office closed

December 31 New Year office closed

January 1, 2025 •  New Year Day office closed

If you have any questions contact Rebecca Finn in the parish office at 513.661.6565, Ext. 2702 or rfinn@sainti.org

If you need to cancel or reschedule your reservation please contact the Parish Office. Thank you for helping us to maintain an accurate facility schedule.

Click HERE to view our current facility calendar online. 

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