Devotion & Prayer
Prayer Chain (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
For those who need prayer because of illness, operations, hospitalizations, etc. General prayer requests and intentions can be put in the prayer basket at the back of the church or by calling the Parish Office. These requests are prayed for on Wednesdays and then given to our homebound parishioners for their prayer. Prayer chain requests are prayed for two weeks. Please repeat the request if further prayer is desired. If you would like to be put on the prayer chain or if you would like to become one of our pray-ers, please contact JoAnn Koch or by calling the Parish Office.
Our Lady’s Prayer Group
Meets weekly on Wednesdays for prayer (2 rosaries and a set of prayers for all who have requested them) and Eucharistic Adoration. Also prays for vocations on the 1st Wednesday of the month. Contacts: Helen Sillies, Colleen Karwisch. Meets every Wednesday morning 10:30am-12:00 noon in Church.