October ~ Parish Health Happenings
As I write this, the Iggy 5k event is just days away. As you read this, it has already taken place. I am confident that it was a fantastic event for all who participated in the run, the walk or as a volunteer. I can predict this based on the amount of energy and work put into the planning and execution of this event. From the Director of Advancement, Liz Schurrer, to the awesome committee made up of volunteers, the attention paid to detail was noticeable and impressive. It was such a joy to work with and get to know this group! I want to give a sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to all who made it happen.
On October 22nd, physical therapist, Matt Gingras will be available in Loyola Hall from 9am- noon providing complimentary PT screenings. This will also include our regular monthly blood pressure screenings (we will take blood pressures in the back of church after the 4:30pm and 6:30 am weekend Masses). Due to family needs, Matt had to cancel his September commitment here on site, but has graciously offered to be available to any parishioner who would like an evaluation. You can contact me for more information on how to get in touch with Matt before the October 22nd screening time slot.
Fasting is a great way to heal our bodies and grow spiritually as we deny ourselves something as an offered prayer for others. New research reveals multiple benefits and huge health gains from this ancient (and somewhat lost) practice and many have adopted intermittent fasting in an effort to improve overall health and wellness. However, the messages our of our culture inundate us from every corner. Denying ourselves anything is “bad” and that message makes it seem like fasting is an impossible task. I recently received an email from the retailer Abercrombie and Fitch with the tag line, “I deserve it.”, and underneath, the bold statement, “Never, ever deny yourself.” I immediately recalled that I had heard, many times throughout my life, the gospel message of taking up our crosses and denying ourselves daily.