Jubilate Deo

The Collection of Chants and Hymns Pope St. Paul VI asked asked every Catholic to learn and know.

Chants of the Ordinary (of the Mass)

Kyrie XVI (Lord Have Mercy)

Kyrie XVI – Chant Notation

Kyrie XVI- Audio

Gloria VIII (Glory to God in the Highest)

Gloria VII – Chant Notation

Gloria VII – Audio

Credo III (Creed)

Credo III – Chant Notation

Credo III – Audio

Sanctus XVIII (Holy Holy)

Sanctus XVIII – Chant Notation

Sanctus XVII – Audio

Mysterium Fidei (the Mystery of Faith)

Mysterium Fidei – Chant Notation

Pater Noster (Our Father)

Pater Noster – Chant Notation

Pater Noster – Audio

And a fun version of JP II making Americans sing it

Agnus Dei XVIII (Lamb of God)

Agnus Dei – Chant Notation

Agnus Dei – Audio

Verbum Domini (The Word of the Lord)

Verbum Domini – Chant Notation

Ite Missa est (Go forth, the Mass is)

Latin Hymns

Adoro te Devote

Adoro te Devote – Chant Notation

Adoro te Devote – Audio

Alma Redemptoris Mater

Marian Hymn sung from the First Sunday of Advent to the Presentation

Alma Redemptoris Mater – Chant Notation

Alma Redemptoris Mater – Audio

Ave Maris Stella

Ave Maris Stella – Chant Notation

Ave Maris Stella – Audio

Ave Regina Caelorum

Marian Hymn sung from the Presentation to the Easter Vigil

Ave Regina Caelorum – Chant Notation

Aven Regina Caelorum – Audio

O Salutaris Hostia

Notation available in missallette (should be familiar)

O Salutaris Hostia – Audio

Pange Lingua / Tantum Ergo

Pange Lingua – Chant Notation

Pange Lingua – Audio

Parce Domine

Parce Domine – Chant Notation

Parce Domine – Audio

Regina Coeli

Marian Hymn sung from the Easter Vigil to Pentecost

Regina Coeli – Chant Notation

Regina Coeli – Audio

Salve Regina

Marian Hymn sung from the day after Pentecost to the first Sunday of Advent

Salve Regina – Chant Notation

Salve Regina – Audio

Veni Creator Spiritus

Veni Creator Spiritus – Chant Notation

Veni Creator Spiritus – Audio

Ubi Caritas

Ubi Caritas – Chant Notation

Ubi Caritas – Audio

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