The Parish health Ministry has identified a need within the parish to expand our existing Friendly Visitor/Friendly Contact program. As the largest population ages, the “Baby Boomers”, and the pandemic shows no sign of retreating, we are faced with a growing group in the parish that suffer from isolation and loneliness. Due to the pandemic, we are not routinely visiting homebound/ facility-bound parishioners, but calling them on a weekly basis. We are looking for MEN and WOMEN volunteers to offer one to two hours per week to contact two to four homebound parishioners on a weekly basis. There will be one training session offered (date to be announced), along with printed guidelines. if you feel called to reach out to a homebound/facility-bound parishioner, please contact the director of the Parish health Ministry, Barb Evans, RN, at 513-661-6565. In the future, there may be opportunities to visit these homebound parishioners.
Also the Parish health Ministry would like to identify those parishioners needing a friendly visitor/friendly contact. Contact Barb Evans if you know of a parishioner who would benefit from contact with their parish community in this manner.