Admission Application


Students must be age 3, 4 or 5 on the first day of school. All preschool students must be fully potty-trained.


Students entering Kindergarten must be 5 years old by September 30, 2025

Contact Joyce Cross about the K- 8 registration process and Sarah Holscher about the preschool registration process. You may also call the school office at 513-389-3242.

Please note: Families who have a child currently enrolled at St. Ignatius and want to enroll another child need to log in to their existing Alma account. Please click How to Apply and review page 2.

Children will be enrolled in the order of priority listed below. Priority within a category will be determined by the length of documented history of continuous participation in the life of the parish. 

Admission Priority Categories

Please note that applications are processed according to your admission priority category. For more information, please contact the school office. Children not registered during their appropriate registration period will lose their respective priority. The pastor and principal may make exceptions to this policy.

Category 1:  Siblings of students currently enrolled at St. Ignatius School whose families are current on tuition and whose active participation in the life of the parish can be documented..

Category 2:  All children of St. Ignatius parishioners NOT currently enrolled at St. Ignatius School whose active participation in the life of the parish can be documented.

Category 3:  Children of St. Ignatius Parishioners who do not actively participate in the life of the parish.

Category 4:  Non-parishioners. Children in these families will be admitted if class size is under 22 in grades K-3 and under 28 in grades 4-8.

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