Musings from Fr. Dave ~ 17th Sunday Ordinary Time

26 July 2020

One more week of July! It sure has been hot and humid. I am doing
my best to remain in air conditioning. Heat stroke is a danger at this time of year. I think King Solomon would advise us to stay cool and safe.

Of all he could wish for, Solomon asked for simple wisdom. I am
praying that all of us have the wisdom to keep ourselves safe through social distancing and keeping clean. It has been hard, and it is getting tiresome for sure but all of us owe it to ourselves and others to keep it up. I pray for all of you and your families as this pandemic continues. Use the wisdom of Solomon; his example holds just as true for us and the people of his time.

There are so many hidden treasures in life, the most precious are the hidden ones that we take for granted. Friends and family, the love we have for others, generosity, charity, a listening ear; simple treasures that are indeed priceless. Material things have a way of growing old and worthless. Real treasures come from your own heart.

As summer continues, pray to our loving and compassionate God to bless your life with the treasures of King Solomon’s wisdom and the incredible Grace of Jesus.

10,000 Blessings!
Fr. Dave

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